Saturday, June 23, 2007

Poem #9: Books

As a retired English teacher, I've always loved books. I love my computer, too, but I much prefer holding paper and cardboard in my hands and lovingly turning pages than scrolling down a screen. And I must admit I cannot toss a book away. I recall my father reading paperback novels and tearing out chapters and tossing the pages away as he finished sections. I can't do that. As the photo below shows, I retain books (and the photo only shows my den shelving -- not the shelves of books elsewhere in the house!) Below the photo, I try to explain the magic with which books enthrall me.

I confess
I’m addicted to books!
Books to read. And reread.
Then read again
lovingly to pieces.
Constant companions
surrounding and permeating my life,
encompassing and enveloping my being,
transporting me to places I’ve been,
haven’t been,
never shall be,
but where I become,
where I am.

Effective. Affective. Infective.
Infusing introspection.
Furnishing retreat. Release. Recapture. Replenishment.
Evoking images. Emotions. Memories. Dreams.
Indispensable to my happiness,
augmenting my knowledge,
enlightening my awareness,
exhilarating my spirit,
illustrating my mortality.
Reaffirming. Criticizing.
Empowering. Exasperating.
Pacifying. Inspiring.
Congratulating. Angering.
Filling voids and creating voids.
Lifeblood. Lifepreserver. Lifemate.

Beacons generating hope.
Compasses steering my personal plotline.
Counselors consoling my ebb and flow.
Steadfast welcomed friends
patiently, persistently, diligently
guiding this addicted wanderer to
and through

Copyright 2003 by Chuck Morlock

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