Last night was the first of our 2 shows, and here are a few "behind the scenes" shots. The first two are part of the male contingent in the entourage in the caravan of the Magi. All are choir members who were recruited to perform double duty and be extras, namely servants of the Magi (l to r) Edgar, Randy, Tim, Dave, Karl, David, Anthony, and Mark.

Anthony and I are two of the head servants and hence wear more formal attire. (BTW, all the costumes were made by some extraordinarily talented seamstresses/church members -- Yvonne, Kim, Joelle, and Marion.)

I love retirement, but I do miss being around high schoolers. This role gave me the opportunity to meet three great young ladies who portrayed servants -- Ashley, Lynn, and Kristen.)

Following the performance, the church hosted a cookie reception where I could relax a bit with Ellen, Scott, and Sarah.

More photos of CITV are available on
Chuck's Web Gallery