The Kenosha County Bike Trail runs north from the Illinois/Wisconsin state line to the city of Kenosha as a crushed stone route, following the old North Shore train right-of-way. I drove to Winthrop Harbor, the last town in Illinois, to the trail parking lot at 9th and West Broadway, just east of Lewis Avenue. It was about a mile-and-a-half to the state line on the McClory Bike Path, and then another 4 miles into Kenosha, where I discovered that this southern section of the Kenosha Trail ends at Anderson Park (89th and 30th.) You have to bike 5 miles on city streets to reach the northern segment which then travels to Racine, WI. For info on what streets to take, see the Trailville.com site which has Kenosha-Racine area trails and a map.
The trail is fringed by treelines on both sides, with occasional views to fields and homes on either side. The photo below sums up the entire ride...

The Kenosha County Trail (a rails-to-trails conversion) and its Illinois connector, runs for a total of about 30 miles under various names depending upon which section you are on, but the official name in Illinois is now the Robert McClory Bike Path. I've biked the McClory several times, but only from its southern terminus to Illinois Beach State Park, so after returning to my car, I continued south through Zion to get more mileage and to cover the five miles I hadn't biked the previous times. The section through Zion passes residential areas but has park land on both sides of the trail and easy road crossings.
For 30+ additional Chicagoland trails, go here.
For 60+ U. S. bike trails I've peddaled, go here.
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