Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Spirits of Canyon de Chelly


Ancient Ones,

Anasazi and Hopi and Navajo,

beckon us --

come visit our once-stately homes

and view our fading rock art --

envision our way of life

and respect our life ways.

Many come, look, and leave,

but the spirits urge lingering,

whispering to all --

remain a while.

Hear the echoes of our voices,

feel our canyon winds,

smell our sweet desert fragrances,

taste our falling raindrops

and watch our arid sand 

briefly harden, then billow green again.

Feel the shade of our cottonwood

and marvel at our sudden waterfalls,

discern the wild presence

of our unseen mountain lions and coyotes,

then rest beneath our shade houses

and find respite from heat and troubles.

Camp within the embrace of our spirits --

so long departed,

yet ever-present.

copyright 2021 by Chuck Morlock

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