Saturday, January 2, 2010

Church Signs #14

In my driving trips across all 50 states, I often spot clever, amusing, and thought-provoking signs in front of churches of all denominations, and long ago I began jotting them down. I'll gradually post them here for your entertainment and edification.

Pick your friends – but not to pieces.
Take the “cross” road.
Certified burden drop-off point.
Wise men still seek Him.
Feed your faith and your doubt will starve to death.
Destroy enemies by making them friends (Abe Lincoln)
The world at its worst needs a church at its best.
When you are down to nothing, God is up to something.
The 10 Commandments are NOT multiple choice.
Love, not nails, held Jesus on the cross.
2 boards + 3 nails = 4 given
Trust says Jesus can. Faith says Jesus will.
For fast, fast relief, take 2 tablets.
Look up to your mother no matter how tall you are.
Jesus was a man after your own heart.

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