They raft the lower section of the river which features 50+ rapids over an 18 mile stretch, several dozen of which are class III and IV on a scale of 5. The river drops 1000 feet in those 18 miles we rafted. I had my waterproof still camera and waterproof camcorder, but the paddling was so intense so often, I couldn't take many shots because we mostly were paddling for our lives. Fortunately, they had a photographer kayaking with us, and he got some great photos of us...

As you can see, our extraordinary guide, Ivan, kept us out of trouble most of the time while still giving us great rides through the roiling water. Once he lost it and we high-sided up on a boulder, allowing water to get under the left side of the boat and tipping us precariously sideways, tossing me into the river - the only time I've been thrown out while rafting.

Twice more I swam, though voluntarily while we were in calm sections. The perspective looking up from the water is level is interesting...

Each successful rapid was celebrated with a paddle "high five."

Here's a video I made of our trip down the river...
I strongly suggest all who visit Costa Rica and enjoy adventure to raft this river, and the Exploradores Company has a wonderful trip.
Chuck, you rock! I'm so glad you are doing these kinds of things in your retirement. Thanks for the explanations and views from each angle. Great memories!
You know, Chuck, you and I both spend a lot of time fighting to stay alive.
You just pick forms with much nicer scenery!
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