Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fox River Trail Biking

After all the days with rain this last week, we needed a beautiful day and received it! The hour drive to our starting point was almost for naught when we discovered the trail closed for the construction of a highway bridge and adjacent pedestrian/bike bridge over the Fox River. We went closer to check out what the project entailed and found this...

It's quite a large job they have underway and it is scheduled to take 18 months to complete, but we did notice that no one was working on the bridge above the train tracks, and the tracks are only used on weekends by the trolley museum, so we followed the lead of some other bikers and utilized a detour to allow us to complete our 18 mile bike ride...

The reward: A fabulous lunch in the courtyard section of St. Charles' Pub 222 after turning around in Batavia and beginning the return trip to our vehicles...

The powers that be could have erected signage with information telling people to begin their bike ride a mile south (in the forest preserve lot) and thus avoid the necessity to detour.

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