Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Video I Made for The American Hiking Society

Over the last 14 years, I've volunteered on 25 week-long trail projects from Maine to Arizona and from Florida to Washington State, in some of America;s most magnificent locales. Twenty of the projects have been with the American Hiking Society, three with Sierra Club, one with Appalachian Mountain Club, and two for the local county forest preserve district.

AHS asked me recently to make a video of the projects I've worked and my thoughts about those projects, a video they wish to use for promotional purposes with their partner, Travelocity, and also on their own site.  Here's the 4 minute movie I made for them (double click to enlarge...)


Joe Staub said...

Well done, Chuck! I do some videography myself. What editing software do you use? Thanks for sharing.


Chuck said...

Thanks, Joe! I use Apple's iMovie which comes with all their Macs and has really "grown up" through its 9 iterations over the decade.