Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Dogwood at Easter

The dogwood is usually a spring blooming plant, often in flower over Easter. It has been "adopted" by the Christian religion as a symbol of the crucifixion of Christ. How fitting we spotted the first blooming dogwoods on the day before Easter as we hiked the Lake Fayetteville trail.

The legend says that a flowering dogwood tree was used to make the cross of the crucifixion and as a result it now grows as a living memory of the event.

Various aspects of the crucifixion are said to be symbolized as follows:
  • The Cross is represented by the four "petals" (bracts) of many dogwood flowers which form a cross.
  • The Nails are represented by the marks on the outer edge of the pedals, said to be nail marks.
  • The Crown of Thorns is represented by the center of the flower which can resemble a crown.
  • The Blood is represented by the red dogwood berries.

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