They are joined by cousins, the purple finches...

There are also a number of the lumbering mourning doves, with their interesting coloration of browns, gray, black, white, and with a vibrant blue surrounding the black eye...

Two meadowlarks visit every morning, checking the dormant Bermuda grass for breakfast...

This Junco sometimes joins the group...

...as do numerous red-wing blackbirds, sparrows, cardinals, robins, grackles, chickadees. as well as others.
I love birds. And I like your bokeh!
Thanks. And thanks to Pat R., we both know what "bokeh" means! (BTW -- I'm getting a new camera next week -- a Nikon D300S.)
what do you do with your old cameras?
They are passed on to my sons or fiance and get a bunch more use.
you have a fiance? when's the wedding?
btw: congrats Chuck!
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