We hiked the 6 mile loop and enjoyed the start of spring as underbrush becomes green and buds pop out on many tree limbs...

You can see a hint of green to my left...

The Butterfield Overland Stage route passed through this area on its 2800 mile journey from St. Louis to San Francisco, delivering freight, mail. and passengers in just 22 days starting in 1858. The fare was $200 in gold, equivalent to $3000 today! This sign commemorates the route which has been cleared for a hundred yards and covered with mulch as seen here...

The business only lasted 2.5 years, and then trains took over.
Nice to see daffodils. You are a wealth of historic info...I like history too. When are we meeting for our walk?
I won't be back to the Chicago area until mid-May. Then it depends on when you visit home again, I guess. It should be a walk somewhere photogenic and we'll bring our cameras!
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