These are Cadillacs set in concrete in this Berlin sculpture (perhaps a suggestion of what we should do with our American gas-guzzlers?)

The Berlin photo above claims to be the narrowest office building in the world. I believe it is a mere 9 feet wide. (Well, cars are smaller and homes are smaller in Germany, so why not office buildings?)

Johann Sebastian Bach's first job as choir director/organist was in Leipzig's Thomas Kirche, so a statue of him outside the church is expected, but inside they had a small museum including some of his handwritted musical manuscripts. It really gives one a sense of history!
The next 2 photos are from Munich's Hofbrauhaus' show.

Three of the band members harmonized on several songs using these long Alpenhorns. Wonderful sound, but not something you'd hear over here.

The dancers are using full axes to chop wood as part of their dance. A few minutes of cleanup were required to sweep up the shavings after the act.
The following sign doesn't really say what you might think. Rather, it bids people "good travel" as you depart the hotel in Gengenbach in the Schwartz Wald (Black Forest).

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