This is the fourth time for me at the North Rim, but only the third time by vehicle, because in 1989 we backpacked from the South Rim to the North Rim and back, hiking about 90 miles in 9 days, including side hikes. Ever since my first visit, when all we did was peer over the edge, I've been drawn back, and vistas such as these demonstrate why.

All we had time for today was to tour the Lodge area and hike out to Bright Angel Point, seen here...

... but it was wonderful to renew my acquaintance with this beloved place, even for so brief a reunion. If you've been here, you can probably identify with my feelings. If you haven't been here, I highly recommend that you come. Even though its name, Grand Canyon, is based on the name of the river at the bottom (originally called the Grand River, but later renamed the Colorado River) it is indeed a Grand Canyon and it bequeaths a Grand Experience to all who visit.
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