Out of Lebanon, the southern terminus, you follow the Mascoma River, crossing it on trestles seven times in just a few miles. Some moist sections were obvious to us though it hadn’t rained in over a week, and the guide book warns against trying this section after heavy rains.

The trail is verdant and tree-lined for much of its length, but in addition, the scenery varies and is spectacular, from the greenery of the foliage (imagine it during the Fall color change!), the rushing water of the rock-strewn river, and later around mile five, the views of the long and wide Mascoma Lake -- all these make for a delightful and scenic ride. There is a gradual uphill as you bike to the lake, so the ride back to Lebanon is easy pedaling and seems to go by too quickly.

This lovely section has exposed rock that the building crew had to cut though when constructing the rail line, giving a real appreciation for their arduous work. On a historical note, famous senator, statesman, and orator Daniel Webster spoke at the railway’s grand opening back in 1847.

To reach the Lebanon trailhead near the Lebanon College campus, take Interstate 89 to Exit 18 and head south on State Route 120 toward Lebanon. The trailhead is behind the college at the intersection of Taylor and Spencer streets.
To reach the Grafton trailhead, take State Route 4 east into town. Trail access lies opposite the general store. Park in the dirt pullout on the trail side of the highway. Additional trailhead parking is available along Main Street off Route 4 in Enfield and at the end of Depot Street off Route 4 in Canaan.
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