A number of our Elderhostel alumni group members gather together regularly to create memoirs under the tutelage of Don Nylin of our group, who has taken several Elderhostel courses on this subject. We have been meeting for several years now, and some of us have a couple dozen of these memoirs finished, and are in essence writing autobiographies, one chapter/incident at a time. You can learn more about our alumni group
Today's meeting began with a delicious brunch (sausage ring with eggs) served by our hostess, Phyllis...

... and enjoyed by (l to r) Pete, Don, Phyllis, Ellen, and me (Chuck)...

... followed by each reading the latest lifestory (memoir) to the group for comments and to give the others new ideas. Perceptive comments, practical suggestions, and sincere encouragement abound, all shared with friendly good humor -- and sometimes cathartic release and personal discovery during the writing process as we delve into our own memories and psyches, often unearthing buried treasures and fond reminiscences.

Now if you are getting the impression this group is simply an excuse to socialize with fun people and eat sensational food, you are wrong. Those are just wonderful fringe benefits of membership, but the writing is truly what it is predominantly about.

The concept behind memoir writing is for the author to divulge who he/she is and how he/she became that person over the years, by relating formative experiences so later generations (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.) have an understanding and appreciation of the life and times of the author. And YES, new members to our writer's group are welcome! Simply email me off my profile page.
As you see below, Ellen joined the group today and fit right in with Elmo and rest of us Muppets.
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