Saturday, August 4, 2007

Moving Mom Finale

Today was the big move day. Scott and Steve joined Phil and me at Mom's condo at 9am. The first load was the larger furniture pieces -- bedroom dresser, a couple book cases, a desk, and various smaller items until the van was full. After moving all that into the new apartment, we returned for the couch which we took to Steve's condo to replace his older couch.

Then it was back to the condo for the remaining items designated for the new place. We did manage to get it all into the van (though it was loaded to the rafters) with a few other pieces and most of the clothing in various cars.

Meanwhile, the women were busy unpacking the boxes and filling shelves and closets and cabinets to reclaim the floor space which we had filled with moved items. Sarah came by after her work at the animal clinic was completed and helped with the unpacking.

Finally, Scott and Steve got some well-earned rest after having done the lion's share of the heavy lifting all day. We old foggies certainly couldn't have accomplished the move without the youngsters' muscle and stamina. Thanks again, guys.

We capped the day off with a wonderful meal at Wonton Gourmet in celebration of Mom's 83rd birthday today, for which Suzie and Kasia joined us.

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