Sunday, March 16, 2008

Poison Ivy?

One of my adventures bit me this week! On Wednesday's ride at Lake Sequoyah, I had a minor mishap. I stopped to get a photo of Ellen, and as I dismounted from the bike, my foot came over the seat and landed on unstable ground -- loose leaves actually, which were hiding a hole -- so the bike and I went down onto my back. I was fine, with no injuries or abrasions or contusions. I had on jeans and at that time, a long-sleeve sweatshirt. Two days later, we discovered several rashes on my back and side. We've theorized/self-diagnosed it as possibly poison ivy, or chiggers bites, or shingles.

We've researched all 3 on the web and have come back to the diagnosis of poison ivy. Of course there are no leaves to warn you away at this time of year, and the plant's stalk and branches still carry the urushiol oil even when leaves are not present. Five hundred people could itch from a mere pinhead size drop of the oil, and as little as a billionth of a gram can cause the rash.

I haven't been bothered by itching too much and am not scratching at all, but there is some small amount of discomfort and sleeping on these areas is problematic. So I really do think it is poison ivy (or oak.)

Any differing opinions based on what I've stated and the photo below? Double click to enlarge photo. (You can comment below or respond by email.)

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