After a lengthy wait just to launch, boats were stacked up on the river awaiting revised start times for their groups of 8 boats....

... but despite the crowd of paddlers, we still found sections offering solitude. The scenic beauty of this river continued for most of its length because something like 85% of the shoreline in Lake County is owned by the Lake County Forest Preserve District, and 50% of the shoreline in the Cook County segment of the river is forest preserve.

Six dams are on this section of river. The first 2 were under water, the second 2 had V-shaped notches to allow us to paddle over them, but the final pair required portaging -- first at Ryerson Dam and second at Dam #1 seen below...

Nineteen miles is a long paddle on a river with little current, and everyone was happy to see the finish line pennant over the river at Dam #2 Woods.

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