We availed ourselves of the beautiful, sunny day, despite the 57 degree temperature (17 degrees below normal for this day) and chilly-feeling wind and biked 22+ miles from Independence Grove to Wadsworth Road and back...

... which is entirely forest preserve. During the ride we spotted deer, a fox, Great Blue Heron, Great White Egret, woodpeckers, cardinals, bluebirds, and even 2 Amtrak trains (one car of which was painted to advertise a tv game show!) By doing this segment, Ellen has now round-trip biked the entire Des Plaines River Trail in Lake County (33 miles) as well as a good portion of Cook County's continuation of the trail.
Our early dinner at the Gurnee Boston Market was a treat since both the Boston Markets near home have closed. We passed the 200 mile biking mark for the fourth straight month and have over 900 fat-tire miles so far this year!
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