Dare to Wander.
Abandon the routine
and meander through Nature.
Reel in new adventures
relinquish civilization’s seat belts
relax in new thoughts
revel in unprecedented distractions
the songs of exotic birds
the gurgle of flowing water
the rustle of foliage
the scudding of clouds
across the immensity of the skies.
Rejoice at the majesty of creation.
Osmose unfamiliar sensory data
tackle daunting challenges
hone untested skills
stretch forgotten instincts
refresh your head space
unveil new passions as you
bike the trails
paddle the waterways
scale the cliffs
descend the valleys
bushwack the backcountry
and soothe frayed nerves.
Heal raw emotions.
Relegate concerns to oblivion
and refine reinvigorated dreams.
Inhale with all five senses.
Discover Nature’s potpourri
of perfect imperfections
with both your hemispheres
canyon wren’s call
river rainbow’s majesty
air’s pristine fragrance
waterfall’s staggering ferocity
Redwood’s towering strength.
Digest all Nature’s myriad extravagances.
Stare. Heed. Muse. Discover.
And Wonder as you Wander.
copyright 2008 by Chuck Morlock

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