Today we met Patti and Dave at Grant Woods, a locale we have biked several times but never walked, and hit the trails for about 4.5 miles of hiking. It was good to see many others out enjoying the 38 degree sunny weather to get rid of some of yesterday's Thanksgiving calories.

Afterward, we headed over to Taco Bell to replace some of those depleted calories and continued the sparkling conversation.
I clicked on the pic to see if Patti was wearing sandals, hoping she wasn't. That would have been really cold on the tootsies, huh?
I've noticed you guys always seem to be wearing really heavy parkas and stuff. When I used to go hiking (eons ago), I'd probably start off wearing all sorts of stuff like that but before too long would find that my arms would get tired carrying all of it! Can be a problem.
Patti has a foot condition which requires keeping the feet cold. Today she had on shoes that had no back to them.
We hike several times a week, so get pretty good knowing how many layers to wear, and we unzip when too warm. We, too, hate carrying excess clothing, so we start off a bit cold and when our bodies warm up, we're okay.
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