Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More trail work...

... today, and as I was about to leave for the forest preserve, I noticed my cat staring out the bathroom window, as is her wont when bird watching. So I took a look and the bird that was the current object of her affections was the Coopers Hawk from my post a few days ago...

... but today it was circling about 50 feet up, and as I watched, it dove into the dead reeds in the wetlands hunting for breakfast. Unfortunately, I didn't get a photo of the dive, but I then noticed 3 Sand Hill Cranes combing through the final remains of the dried up lake bed for their meal...

Wow! Two of my favorite local bird sightings at the same time. Then with a joyous heart, I headed out to the trail project, and after some wrong turns, managed to locate the trail corridor, mark it with flagging, and lop back the encroaching vegetation, making the path usable once again.

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