The forensic team can't determine the culprit, but I believe all the evidence points to...

...M&M, aka "Blondie Butt" and "The Princess." Cute - yes. Loveable - without a doubt. But don't let her innocent face deceive you. Her checkered past belies any pretense at innocence, and I supply the following corroboration to this allegation.
She has been caught pilfering food from the forbidden counter...

... as well as stalking and spying on the forbidden bird...

... and climbing the forbidden ladder...

... and trespassing on the forbidden desk, even to the extent of knocking vital paperwork to the floor!

But the most damaging evidence to her protestation of innocence is her prior record of attraction to and attacks upon said Christmas tree, as seen in this evidentiary presentation from last year.

But all has been forgiven, and she promises the dastardly deed will not be repeated!
If you believe THAT promise, let me be the first to sell you some gorgeous mountainside property just outside of Houston with a wonderful view of the North Pole!
I've come here via Goldenrod's blog. We just put our tree up yesterday and I had to sleep on the couch all night long with my squirt bottle on the floor next to me. Our kitties are bad.....very, very bad. :(
I'm amazed that you didn't hear the crash during the middle of the night!
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