Monday, June 25, 2007

Poem #11 - Now and Then

My adventures with words continues as I explain the urgency to seek and welcome adventures of all types. We all have a limited time upon this beautiful planet (and should thank God for our promised time after this life!) I wonder how we'd all utilize our time here most efficiently if we knew our own personal dates of demise, our "best if used by" time frame. Would we live more for today and look less to the future? Would we accomplish more today and procrastinate less? Would we heap adventure upon adventure today, and truly appreciate all that occurs today, if we knew there would be no tomorrow? Each person can only answer these questions for one's self, but I encourage all to think more about the joys of "now" and let "then" take care of itself.

Now and Then

It's always Now,
never Tomorrow,
never Yesterday,
never Then.

You cannot control Then,
only Now --
can never newly enjoy Then,
only Now.

Live for Now,
relish Now,
for true joy resides neither in Later nor Before
but solely in Now.

copyright 1997 by Chuck Morlock


Here's a photo of a guy I believe is living for and enjoying today!

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