Monday, June 11, 2007

Poem #4: There

...yet another word adventure...

Everyone has a "There" -- a place, specific or general, where you feel safe, comfortable, content, yourself. Free. Uninhibited. Satisfied and gratified. Natural. Relaxed. In no hurry to leave.

You may not even be aware that you possess such a place. So sit back, read the following, and then contemplate where your "There" is.


Seek diligently to find your There,
ever sentient of There places
which furnish personal pleasure and meaning
and comfort and sanctuary,
where irrelevant time
passes more slowly than childhood summers.

There is where you belong,
your wellspring of self-sustenance,
your headwaters of joy and peace and
infuser of oneness.
There wallow and exalt,
blossoming in intimate verdancy.

Do not defend or elucidate your There,
for only self may define personal geography.
Words prove insufficient tools
to construct explanation,
as inept as describing spiral staircases
without the use of hands.

Once There is found,
flee There often and linger.
Roost, extend roots long and strong and deep
and suck There's nourishment.
Plant forever body and soul
so none may pluck you from There.

For There is yours alone
even when willingly shared.
None can remove you from There
or There from you.
Go There.
Be There.
Become There.

copyright 1997 by Chuck Morlock

(So, where is your There?)

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