After socializing, the delicious buffet dinner was served...

... followed by the traditional carol sing, led by Andrea on the organ...

... and even the children joined in with joyful voices...

... knowing the gift exchange would immediately follow...

... and excitement electrified the air as the children "delivered" the gifts left under the tree by Santa, delivering them to the adults before they could open their own presents.

Finally, the adult grab bag commenced, with everyone trying to determine which package they shouldn't take because it might be the dreaded "Teddy Bear Platter" which is recycled every year by last year's unlucky recipient. Imagine everyone's surprise when Ron opened the final package containing not one, but now TWO identical platters!

Amy had managed to find a duplicate platter on eBay and now the decade-old recyling tradition has a new twist. Come back to this blog next year to learn what happens when 2 platters are in play!
For more photos of the evening, go to Chuck's gallery.
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