In my driving trips across all 50 states, I often spot clever, amusing, thought-provoking signs in front of churches of all denominations, and long ago I began jotting them down. I'll gradually post them here for your entertainment and edification.

1. God’s promises have no expiration dates.
2. When trouble blows, seek shelter in God.
3. A Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to a person who isn’t.
4. Accept correction and you’ll need less of it.
5. The victim of Good Friday is the victor of Easter.
6. No man ever got lost on a straight road. (Abe Lincoln)
7. In the dark? Follow the Son.
8. Give Satan an inch and he’ll take a ruler.
9. Life has many choices. Eternity has two. What is yours?
10. Heavenly forecast: Reign forever.
11. Nature’s beauty is God’s calling card.
12. The heart is an organ. Keep yours in tune with Jesus.
13. God says: My way IS the highway.
14. Dusty Bibles lead to dirty lives.
15. Jesus built us a bridge with 2 boards and 3 nails.
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