... and then shifts to a local sculptor, Nathan (Scott), a non-believer, who is lamenting to his wife, Christine (Kim) about the "foolish people chasing foolish dreams" as they with "empty faces are buying everything" as they "seem to go insane" in their "crazy yuletide game."

Nathan is then visited by local pastor (Randy) in need of a new Nativity scene. He admires Nathan's magnificently scuplted figures, but unfortunately, the price tag for the exquisite and life-like artwork is far too high and he leaves disappointed, but perhaps having challenged Nathan in his lack of faith?

And then the magic of Christmas brings Nathan's life-like sculptures to life, transporting Nathan to various scenes from history. First is Mary in the manger with the newborn Jesus...

... surrounded by the dancing angelic host...

Nathan is also taken back to the Renaissance to demonstrate how singing Christmas carols on the street was the only "gift" at Christmas, and that giving presents to everyone is a very recent addition to Christmas. This scene features the Madrigal Singers of Barrington High School.

Next stop is December 23rd,1818 in the small town of Oberndorf, Austria, where Father Josef Mohr pens the words and organist Franz Gruber scores the magnificent "Silent Night, which had to be played on a single guitar because the church organ was inoperative..."

In a 1930's Depression-era soup kitchen, Maurice proclaims that cares and woes should be forgotten because it's Christmas and "there's music in the air..."

Nathan's wife, Christine (Kim), poignantly laments her husband's unbelief, unaware of Nathan's "visits" into the past which convict him to believe in Christmas and Christ...

...and he accompanies Christine to the Christmas Day service where his gratitude to God for giving him the wonderful gift of belief leads him to donate the expensive Nativity set to the church.
More photos of the presentation can found on my web gallery.
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